Transformation Talent: Mark

Business Transformations and Turnarounds require focus and experience. Both depend on fully understanding critical concerns within the business, the interrelationships between divisions and strategies, and the capacity to establish key metrics that enable teams to observe outcomes throughout the process. With over 15 years+ experience in complex program management, strategic business development, accelerated growth, performance transformations and P&L leadership, there are few better than Mark who possess the perfect blend of business acumen with a hands on mentality, to get things done quickly and efficiently.
Q. When you’re at a networking event, how do you describe your independent career status, and where you focus your work?
I am a value driving executive focused on Business Transformation, with 20+ years of experiences in Operations, FP&A, M&A, Divestitures/Carve Outs and IT.
Q. Why do you think there is increasing demand for independent expertise with PE operating teams?
Transformational speed is driving increasing demand for high performance individuals to deliver high impact initiatives within 3 to 18 month timelines.
Q. Describe a recent or successful assignment in terms of scope, duration and any particular highlights in the outcomes.
I drove playbook execution for $1B PE investment including:
- Plant turnaround in 5 month with EBIT increase from 11% to 28%
- Increased repair capacity by 50% to balance portfolio risks
- Margin increase between 3% and 16% by establishing central pricing governance
- 10% purchasing costs savings due to vendor consolidation
- IT Project turnaround to avoid EUR 50m write offs
- G&A cost savings of 27% due to Shared Service Center
- P&L and -10% to +5% EBIT improvement for digital business line within 12 months
Q. What advice would you give to anyone about to embark on an independent career as to how they can provide the best results for a client, while fulfilling their own career path?
Focus on EBITDA and Cashflow unless you are in a startup like environment!
Need any support value planning/execution, P&L responsibility, business turnaround, organizational transformation, or PLM implementation? Engage with talent like Mark by posting a project now, or by talking to us about how to build up a pool of similar talent in the field.